February 13, 2023

How to Identify Every Anonymous Website Visitor

Albert Finder

If you look at Google Analytics, or any other analytics software, you’ll likely see thousands of people visit your website every day. Who are they? 

Unless visitors have converted into leads by filling out a contact form, subscribing to a newsletter, or interacting with you on social media, you don’t really know anything about them. 

In fact, only up to 30% of your traffic might be identified by sophisticated martech tools today, leaving 70% completely anonymous.

And even when those visitors do reach out, how do you know they are the ones for your BDRs to pursue? More often than not, visitors with no intention to buy reach out, while those who do have the need for your solution quietly leave without interacting with anyone. 

Up to 67% of your website visitors will abandon a contact form if they encounter any complications and up to 80% of visitors will abandon if asked for their email address too soon. 

How do you make sure you don’t miss any of them? Let’s look at the best ways to find out who your website visitors really are. 

Note: Uncover all your visitors’ buyer intent with AI. Lift AI is the only buyer intent solution that accurately determines how likely every single website visitor is to buy your product or service, and flags them for your BDRs to follow up.

Who is visiting your website, really? 

When you know who is visiting your website, the benefits for your sales and marketing teams are multifold. You can improve the design of your conversion funnel, more accurately track campaign results, and always follow up with the right people (thus increasing your ROI). 

Currently, most companies get visitor information in a process called “deanonymization” which occurs in two primary ways: IP addresses and form fills, neither of which offer perfect results. Still, it’s beneficial to see how both detecting IPs and scanning through heatmaps can help your sales process. 

Deanonymization of visitors and companies via IP addresses

Every website visitor has an IP address that could be linked back to their ISP (internet service provider) and, ultimately, their physical location. 

This is one method through which martech tools “deanonymize” website visitors.

Some visitors might have the same IP addresses, if they work for the same company. This is how some online tools are able to tell you which companies are considering your solution (by registering multiple hits from the same known business IP). 

This data used to be more valuable before the widespread adoption of remote work in the past few years. Now, visitors from the same company are likely to have vastly different IP and be much more difficult to correlate. 

Nevertheless, if you use a tool to uncover IPs and they do match potential clients identified in your ABM process — this is valuable data! 

However, there are two major problems with deanonymizing visitors through IP addresses:

  1. Increasingly strict privacy laws are preventing some tools from seeing and accessing a visitor’s IP address
  2. The work from home boom has confused IP address lookups because the addresses no longer match the company, instead they are a personal home address

Deanonymization of visitors and companies via form fills

The other major method to deanonymize visitors is through form fills. This means that instead of using the IP address to find out who is on your website, you rely on the visitor identifying themselves by passing through their personal information - such as filling out a contact form, ebook download form, pop-up incentive form, or similar.

However, there is a significant challenge in relying on this approach - most website visitors want to remain anonymous, and are reluctant to give up their personal information until they’ve received significant value. The percentage of traffic willing to do this is typically in the range of 1.5 to 3%. 

So, if deanonymization isn’t creating significant results for anonymous visitors, what will?

Is there a better way to identify visitors? Yes, AI. 

While most sales teams only rely on tools like IP trackers and form fills, there’s a new technology that completely supersedes them both — buyer intent AI

In the world of infinite data, there’s no value in trying to manually go through all the data points — let the artificial intelligence do all the work for you. 

AI can process any set of data, at any time, and, in fact, gets better when you give it more data. AI tools can also look back and analyze past actions to predict future behavior. For example, identifying visitors who are ready to buy before you even had the chance to interact with them.

Sounds interesting? Then try Lift AI. 

Lift AI is a real-time buyer intent solution that integrates into your marketing stack to identify how likely every single visitor to your website (even a completely anonymous one) is to buy your service or product. 

The secret behind Lift AI is a unique machine-learning model that's been trained on billions of website visitors and their buying behaviour. As a result, Lift AI can spot even the smallest behavioral signals and assign accurate buyer intent scores to any visitor. 

Instead of deanonymizing visitors like traditional software, Lift AI assigns a buyer intent score to every single visitor based on their unique behavior, where no personal data is requried.

In addition, you can connect Lift AI to any other app in your marketing stack. Take live chat, for example. If you use a platform like Drift, you can create custom playbooks for each level of buyer intent. Then visitors with high buyer intent would be connected directly to your BDRs, while medium- and low-scoring visitors would be greeted by a nurturing bot or a self-help guide. 

Then your BDRs would never miss a single lead with high buyer intent. 

It works. Lift AI customers report that their chat conversions generally increase anywhere from two to 10 times within 90 days of using Lift AI. Formstack, for example, improved their conversions by 420%, while PointClickCare increased its funnel by 400%, which translated into over $1M in incremental revenue just in the first year.  

Try Lift AI on your website — free for 30 days. No credit card is required. Just install a small Lift AI snippet on your website and it will automatically configure itself. Plus, the Lift AI support team is always there to guide you through the process, if needed. 

Now you can see that identifying visitors on your website is largely a solved problem — thanks to the advancements in AI technology and solutions like Lift AI. In addition, you can still supplement Lift AI with other tools, such as IP trackers and heatmaps, but, unlike a few years ago, it’s now completely optional.

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