February 3, 2021

Should you put chat on your homepage?

Don Simpson

See how one client generated 27% of their leads from the homepage without overwhelming their sales team

If you’re worried about overwhelming your sales agents by putting chat on your homepage, you have good reason - but with the advent of machine-learning, it is time to re-think that approach. 

Most of the clients we talk with share the same concerns about using chat on their homepage:

  1. They don’t want to overwhelm live resources with non-sales opportunities
  2. They’re concerned about lost revenue from a one-size-fits-all chatbot approach

One technology company specializing in Electronic Medical Records overcame both problems with one simple solution: A machine-learning model by Lift AI.

The Challenge

Our client gets over 680,000 visitors per month to their homepage, most of whom are existing customers looking for support. When Drift chat was deployed to help convert more site visitors into qualified leads, they were hesitant to use live agents because of the volume of non-sales engagements, so they relied on chatbots to handle those visitors. The chatbots were converting 2.5% of conversations into leads on the homepage, but the client believed they could be doing much better - the question was, how?

The Solution

With limited time and live agent capacity, our client needed a way to identify which homepage visitors had the highest sales potential. They shifted their focus from targeting pages with chat invites to targeting the visitors themselves using Lift AI.

Lift AI uses machine learning to evaluate visitor behavior and attributes as they arrive and navigate the site. In real-time, Lift AI predicts each visitor’s conversion potential, and then tagged with a score between 0 and 100. The conversion scores are then used to create audience segments that trigger the right chat experience in Drift including live agents, chatbots, or self-serve (no chat).

Having insight into every visitor on the site, the client could now tackle both issues with confidence:

First, they created a segment of high potential visitors which delivered a manageable 5% of chats from the homepage. These visitors were given quick access to live agents and they converted at 20%, an increase from just 2.5%.

The remaining 95% of homepage visitors with lower scores were then directed to redesigned chatbot experiences. The new chatbot design also nurtured and qualified visitors with scores in mid ranges which converted 11% of these chats into leads.

With Lift AI, the client was able to optimize the conversion potential of each visitor by providing the most effective chat experience through live agents and chatbots. Their homepage conversion rate jumped from 2.5% of chats to leads to 14%. The optimized homepage now contributes to 27% of all chat leads. 

If you want the same results on your site, start your Lift AI trial today and find your high potential website visitors.

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